Hanoverian Horse Temperament: What To Expect

Each breed has its own, so knowing what to expect regarding a Hanoverian horse temperament is good before investing in them!

Loving horses is one thing, but working with them is a new level. It requires patience, skill, and knowledge about their unique traits. Expecting one horse breed to be like another is the first mistake many equine owners make. Because you’re able to efficiently handle your current horses doesn’t mean a Hanoverian horse is the right fit for your stables. 

In this article, I share what you can expect when owning a Hanoverian horse. With this information, you’ll be able to figure out if this horse breed is what you’re looking for!

Hanoverian Horses: Are They Good for Beginners?

Hanoverian horses are an ancient breed. Their history dates back to the 17th century when they were bred specifically by England’s King George II as calvary horses. Hanoverian horses are known to be bold, willing to work, and sensible. 

Many show riders prefer working with Hanoverian horses since they’re intelligent, easy to train, strong, and athletic. This breed is warmblooded, making them gentle and reliable. They also have great endurance, speed, and agility. 

Combined with easy control and fine movement, Hanoverian horses make great companions for any level horse owner, but I recommend investing in this breed after you have some equine care experience in the bank. 

 Are Hanoverian horses good for beginners?

Hanoverian Horse Temperament and Personality: What To Expect

Hanoverian horses have a bold temperament. A typical horse of this breed is intelligent and sensible towards their herd and humans alike. They have a calm disposition and were initially bred to help farmers plow or take the family carriage to town. 

The military also favored Hanoverian horses thanks to their intelligence and the spark in their personality. They made great war horses who were easy to control.

Hanoverian horses are docile and patient when interacting with others, whether people or animals. They approach work or training with a fierce boldness that can be matched by a few breeds. These horses are very disciplined and always eager to learn. They can quickly implement what they have learned with a consistency few other horse breeds can match. Hanoverian horses are very active and should be kept busy, as boredom may lead to negative traits.  

These horses can also be considered pranksters. You can easily tell if your horse has pulled one over on you if they seem to be laughing.  

Hanoverian horses think on their feet, which served them well when they were used as war horses in the 19th century. Their intelligence might prove to be a problem for inexperienced owners. They are crafty and will quickly figure out how to open doors or latches.  

Breeding With Hanoverian Horses

 Is a Hanoverian a good horse?

When breeding with Hanoverian horses started, stallions with the desired temperament were used. Today, Hanoverian horses are bred primarily for sports use. 

Their ability to jump, agility, inner properties, rideability conformation, and motion sequence makes them excellent candidates. This basis of breeding is used when the main focus is dressage, eventing, or show-jumping.  

Hanoverian breeding allows breeders to implement their ideas and select horses with their required temperaments. Every breeder follows their own breeding plan. It’s an accomplishment to realize that a goal has been achieved. The only thing better than that is the birth of a foal!

The Best Traits Of Hanoverian Horses

Strength: Hanoverian horses are strong animals. They are robustly built and elegant. These horses are bred to work and show it. They have strong backs and limbs, athletic movements, and powerful bodies. 

Intelligence: Hanoverian horses are intelligent and trainable. If left to their own devices, they will quickly figure out how to open latches or find a weak spot in a fence. Hanoverian horses retain what they have learned and will often build on it and implement it with skill. Because of their intelligence, these horses can find themselves in trouble easily when not working regularly. 

Warm Temperament: This horse breed is docile when working with humans but still determined to get the job done. They’re also a highly social breed and do well when given a stall mate. They thrive on attention from their owner. Excessive energy must be worked off to combat negative traits. If your Hanoverian horse shows any negative characteristics, consider changing their environment or working more with them.

In End

Hanoverian horses make excellent companions, but you must know how to work with them to form a lasting bond. This breed is intelligent and fierce and needs frequent stimulation and challenges to keep busy. 

If you’d like to own a Hanoverian horse, I suggest speaking to a breeder who knows their breed line well. This way, you’ll get a better idea of which characteristics you can expect from the horse you purchase.

If you liked this article, let me know in the comments! Also, ask any other questions or share your personal Hanoverian temperament tips with other readers.


Are Hanoverian horses good for beginners?

Hanoverian horses make excellent companions, but owners with some equine care experience handle them better. Because they're so intelligent and need to be kept busy, beginners might not have what it takes to properly care for these horses.

What is a Hanoverian horse known for?

Hanoverian horses are known for their athletic abilities, intelligence, beauty, and grace. Horse owners also prefer this breed because of their warm temperament. You can use your Hanoverian horse for sports and as a work companion.

What is the calmest breed of horse?

The calmest horse breeds include the American Quarter Horse, the Morgan Horse, and the Appaloosa horse. Although Hanoverian horses don't win this medal, they are docile and do well in social environments. Their breed can't be considered calm since they'll keep you on your toes and require lots of attention.

Is a Hanoverian a good horse?


Hanoverian horses make good companions, workhorses, and sport horses. If you have some equine care experience, a Hanoverian horse is an excellent breed to add to your herd.